• [August 2024] Bikhyat Adhikari joined MLDAG as a Ph.D. student. Welcome to Bikhyat.  
  • [July 2024] Our collaborative work with Dr. Dongsheng titled “Generating In-Distribution Proxy Graphs for Explainable Graph Neural Networks” has been accepted for presentation and publication in the Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML’24). Vienna, Austria. Congratulations to Zhuomin and Mezbah.
  • [June 2024] Dr. Mondal served as an NIH grant reviewer in Special Emphasis Panel on “Health Information Technology and Clinical Informatics.”
  • [June 2024] Dr. Mondal received FIU Population Health Initiative seed grant of $45K as CoPI on a project titled “Creating a Synthetic Data Ecosystems for AI-Enabled Simulation Modeling for Addressing Population Health Consequences of Sea Level Rise in Miami.”
  • [May 2024] Our collaborative work with Dr. Dongsheng titled “Interpreting Graph Neural Networks with In-Distributed Proxies” has been presented in the 2nd Workshop on Trustworthy Learning on Graphs (TrustLOG). Singapore. Congratulations to Zhuomin and Mezbah.
  • [April 2024] Dr. Mondal invited and hosted the distinguished lecture series speaker, Dr. Cenk Sahinalp, Senior Investigator and the Head of Tumor Evolution and Genetics Section of Cancer Data Science Laboratory in the National Cancer Institute at the National Institute of Health.
  • [April 2024] Dr. Mondal gave an invited talk titled “PathOmics-X: Patient-Specific Pathways and Biomarker Genes through XAI-Based Multi-Omics Analysis” at the 2024 NCI Spring School on Algorithmic Cancer Biology (SSACB). NIH Campus. Bethesda, MD. USA.
  • [March 2024] Dr. Mondal received a National Institute of Health R21 award of $371K as the PI to explore explainable AI-based machine learning to analyze lung cancer health disparity.
  • [February 2024] Dr. Mondal served as an NIH grant reviewer in NCI Special Emphasis Panel on “NCI Clinical and Translational Cancer Research.”
  • [January 2024] Dr. Mondal gave an invited talk titled “Concrete Autoencoder-Based Feature Selection Discovers Key Genes in Evaluating Intratumor Heterogeneity. Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • [December 2023] Dr. Mondal presented a paper titled “Evaluating SHAP’s Robustness in Precision Medicine: Effect of Filtering and Normalization” at 2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM).
  • [December 2023] Dr. Mondal presented a paper titled “Quantifying Intratumor Heterogeneity by Key Genes Selected Using Concrete Autoencoder” at the 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI’23) at Kolkata, India.
  • [November 2023] Our work titled “Evaluating SHAP’s Robustness in Precision Medicine: Effect of Filtering and Normalization” has been accepted for presentation and publication at the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM) as part of Workshop on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics (MABM 2023). Congratulations to Masrur.
  • [June 2023] Raihanul Bari Tanvir has successfully defended his dissertation titled “Graph Theoretic and Machine Learning-Based Frameworks for Cancer Biomarker Discovery.” Congratulations to Dr. Tanvir!
  • [June 2023] Our collaborative work with Dr. Godavarty titled “Deep Learning Algorithms to Classify Fitzpatrick Skin Types for Smartphone-Based NIRS Imaging Device” has been published in the proceedings of Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies XV. Congratulations to Masrur and Daniela.
  • [May 2023] Our work titled “Quantifying Intratumor Heterogeneity by Key Genes Selected Using Concrete Autoencoder” has been accepted for presentation and publication at the 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI’23). Congratulations to Tanvir and Masrur.
  • [May 2023] Dr. Mondal accepted the invitation to work as a Guest Editor for PLOS Computational Biology.
  • [April 2023] Dr. Mondal invited and hosted the invited lecture series speaker, Dr. Tamer Kahveci, Professor of Computer Science, Associate Chair of Academic Affairs, and the Director of Bioinformatics LAB at University of Florida.
  • [April 2023] Our work titled “MOGAT: An Improved Multi-Omics Integration Framework Using Graph Attention Networks” has been accepted for presentation at RECOMB Computational Cancer Biology, Instanbul, Turkey. Congratulations to Tanvir, Mezbah, and Masrur.
  • [April 2023] Dr. Mondal accepted the invitation to work as a Proceedings Co-Chair for the 14th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM BCB).
  • [April 2023] Our collaborative work with Dr. Godavarty titled “Deep Learning Algorithms to Classify Fitzpatrick Skin Types for Smartphone-Based NIRS Imaging Device” has been accepted for presentation at SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, Orlando, Florida. Congratulations to Masrur and Daniela.
  • [March 2023] Our collaborative work with Dr. Dimitroff titled “Navigating the CAR-T cell glycome to find tools to improve anti-tumor activity in Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma” has been accepted for presentation at Glycobiology Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, CA. Congratulations to Tanvir.
  • [March 2023] Our work titled “Multi-Omics Integration Using Graph Neural Network” was presented at Translational Research Symposium, Port St. Lucie, FL. Congratulations to Mezbah, Masrur, and Tanvir.
  • [March 2023] Our work titled “Graph Attention Network-based Multi-Omics Integration for Cancer Subtype Prediction” was presented at Translational Research Symposium, Port St. Lucie, FL. Congratulations to Tanvir, Mezbah, and Masrur.
  • [March 2023] Our work titled “Game Theory in Cancer Precision Medicine” was presented at Translational Research Symposium, Port St. Lucie, FL. Congratulations to Masrur, Tanvir, and Mezbah.
  • [March 2023] Our collaborative work with Dr. Dimitroff titled “Targets for Immunotherapy: Dysregulated levels of Galectins in Diffuse Large B cell Lymphomas” was presented at Translational Research Symposium, Port St. Lucie, FL. Congratulations to Tanvir.
  • [March 2023] Our collaborative work titled “Epitopedia: identifying molecular mimicry between pathogens and known immune epitopes,” has been accepted for publication in ImmunoInformatics. Congratulations to Christian and Masrur.
  • [March 2023] Our work titled “Graph Attention Network-based Multi-Omics Integration for Cancer Subtype Prediction,” was presented at NCI Spring School on Algorithmic Cancer Biology, NIH, Bethesda. Congratulations to Tanvir, Mezbah, and Masrur.
  • [December 2022] Our work titled “An Autoencoder Based Bioinformatics Framework for Predicting Prognosis of Breast Cancer Patients” has been accepted for presentation and publication in the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). Congratulations to Tanvir and Masrur.
  • [December 2022] Our work titled “Explainable Machine Learning to Identify Patient-specific Biomarkers for Lung Cancer” has been accepted for presentation and publication in the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). Congratulations to Masrur.
  • [December 2022] Our collaborative work with Dr. Godavarty titled “Subject Skin Tone Classification with Implications in Wound Imaging using Deep Learning” has been accepted for presentation and publication in the 2022 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). Acceptance rate: 19%. Congratulations to Masrur and Daniela.
  • [September 2022] Dr. Mondal is serving as a Workshop Co-Chair for 2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) to be held in Las Vegas, USA.
  • [September 2022] Dr. Mondal is serving as a PC member of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) to be held in Las Vegas, USA.
  • [August 2022] Dr. Mondal received a National Institute of Health R01 award of $2.1M as a CoI with the PI, Dr. Anuradha Godavarty, to investigate machine learning and deep learning approaches for analyzing diabetic foot ulcer images.
  • [August 2022] Dr. Mondal accepted the invitation to work as a Guest Editor for PLOS Computational Biology.
  • [August 2022] Md. Mezbahul Islam joined MLDAG as a Ph.D. Student. Welcome to Mezbah.
  • [July 2022] MLDAG team led by Dr. Mondal successfully conducted a 5-week summer research workshop for high school students under the NSF CAREER project. Congratulations to high school students – Aakash Suresh, Kevin Toledo, Ruchik Vansadia, and Trisha Chapagain and Ph.D. Students – Masrur and Tanvir.
  • [June 2022] Our collaborative work titled “Potential Autoimmunity Resulting from Molecular Mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 Spike and Human Proteins,” has been accepted for publication in Viruses, 2022. (IF: 5.818). Congratulations to Janelle and Masrur.
  • [June 2022] Our collaborative work titled “Molecular Mimicry Between SARS-CoV-2 Spike and Human Proteins,” has been accepted for publication in American Society for Microbiology Annual Conference Microbe 2022. Congratulations to Vitalii and Masrur.
  • [June 2022] Our collaborative work titled “Skin Tone Benchmark Dataset for Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Machine Learning to Discover the Salient Features” has been accepted for presentation in the 26th International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition (IPCV) 2022. Acceptance rate: 20%. Congratulations to Masrur and Kacie.
  • [April 2022] Our collaborative work titled “Machine learning algorithms to classify Fitzpatrick skin types during tissue oxygenation mapping” accepted for presentation at Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics 2022. Congratulations to Masrur and Kacie.
  • [April 2022] Mondal invited and hosted the invited lecture series speaker, Dr. Mingon Kang, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at University of Nevada.
  • [April 2022] Our collaborative work titled “EMoMiS Tool Identifies Molecular Mimicry Between SARS-CoV-2 Spike and Many Viral Immunogenic Proteins,” has been accepted for presentation at Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2022. Congratulations to Vitalii and Masrur.
  • [March 2022] Abdullah Al Mamun has successfully defended his dissertation titled “A Machine Learning Framework for Identifying Molecular Biomarkers from Transcriptomic Cancer Data.” Congratulations to Dr. Mamun!
  • [March 2022] Dr. Mondal is serving as a PC member of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2022) to be held in Atlanta, USA.
  • [March 2022] Dr. Mondal is serving as the workshop Co-Chair of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) to be held in Las Vegas, USA.
  • [March 2022] Our work titled “Deep Learning Algorithm Identified Patient-specific Biomarker Genes to Explain Lung Cancer Disparity,” has been accepted for presentation at the 2022 RCMI Consortium National Conference. Congratulations to Masrur and Tanvir.
  • [February 2022] Our collaborative work titled “Machine learning algorithms to classify Fitzpatrick skin types during tissue oxygenation mapping,” has been accepted for presentation at Optica Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics, 2022. Congratulations to Masrur and Kacie.
  • [October 2021] Our paper titled “Multi-Run Concrete Autoencoder to Identify Prognostic lncRNAs for 12 Cancers,” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021. (IF: 5.923). Congratulations to Abdullah, Tanvir, and Masrur.
  • [August 2018] Dr. Mondal joined as a tenure track Assistant Professor in the School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University (FIU).
  • [April 2017] Dr. Mondal received the prestigious NSF CAREER Award titled “CAREER: RUI: NetDA — Protein Network-Based Software for Disease Analysis Using Cliques, Bipartite Graphs, and Diffusion Kernels.”